
PLN 2 million for research on an energy-saving light source

Research on new energy-saving light sources that reduce carbon dioxide emissions, conducted at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, was co-financed with a PLN 2 million grant from the Foundation for Polish Science.

  • Photo: Fotolia

    Researchers from Kraków and Gdańsk are working on smart road signs

    Signposts that react to traffic intensity or weather can soon become a reality in Poland. Researchers from AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków and Gdansk University of Technology are working on the system of intelligent traffic signs INZNAK that will adjust to the conditions on the road.

  • Photo: Fotolia

    Dardziński: Recruitment for the Virtual Research Institute starts this year

    Recruitment for the teams of the Virtual Research Institute (Wirtualny Instytut Badawczy, WIB) will begin in the fourth quarter of 2018, announced Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education Piotr Dardziński. The research agenda is expected to be ready earlier, by the third quarter.

  • Photo: Fotolia

    EPO: The number of patents awarded to Polish inventors increased by 20 percent

    In 2017, the number of patents awarded to Polish inventors, companies and scientific institutes by the European Patent Office (EPO) increased by 20% compared to 2016. Most of them concerned the medical technology sector.

  • Innovation

    PhD student at Wrocław University of Science and Technology creates labs on a chip

    Improved glass chip for cell culture, cheap gas dispenser supporting that culture and a device that produces energy using yeast - with these ideas Agnieszka Podwin from Wrocław won the 8th edition of the competition "Innovation is a Woman".

  • Photo: Fotolia

    Blockchain will help taxpayers. A proposal of Polish researchers

    Blockchain technology can help taxpayers document that their business partner was a VAT payer when the transaction was being concluded. The solution presented by the team of Polish researchers advanced to the second round of the Global Legal Hackathon.

  • Head of the Department of Functional Materials and Biomaterials at the West Pomeranian University of Technology, Prof. Mirosława El Fray. Photo: PAP/Marcin Bielecki 06.06.2017

    Polish invention could revolutionize the treatment of hernia

    Instead of using a synthetic mesh to treat hernia, you could use a flexible patch that can revolutionize soft tissue reconstruction procedures, especially hernia treatment, believes Prof. Mirosława El Fray from Szczecin.

  • Photo: Fotolia

    Biohack: Bioinformatics hackathon in Łódź

    Programmers, data analysts, doctors and scientists in the field of biology, medicine and genetics will face the challenges of genetics during the bioinformatics hackathon in Łódź on 18-20 May. Registration of participants will continue until May 4.

  • Source: Press Office of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

    Scientists from Poznań co-develop an electronic stethoscope

    An electronic stethoscope integrated with a thermometer and a mobile application will allow patients to conduct lung and heart auscultation on their own. Scientists from the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań participated in the development of the device.

  • Smartphone-sized microfluidic photoreactors made by depositing TiO2 nanoparticles on the inner walls of polymer tubes with diameters of micrometres. (Source: IPC PAS, Grzegorz Krzyzewski)

    Photoreactors the size of a hair

    Smartphone-sized devices capable of purifying water for one person using sunlight; desktop modules producing substances valuable for the pharmaceutical industry from chemical waste. The construction of such innovative instruments, providing the product not in batches but continuously, is becoming possible thanks to an ultrasonic technique of depositing titanium dioxide layers onto the inner walls of tubes with diameters of even micrometre dimensions.

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Boulder TM 1219 in a wider landscape perspective. Credit: A. Rozwadowski, source: Cambridge Archaeological Journal.

Polish scientists reinterpret petroglyphs of Toro Muerto

The geometric patterns, lines and zigzags that accompany the images of dancers (danzantes) carved in the rocks of the Peruvian Toro Muerto are not snakes or lightning bolts, but a record of songs - suggest Polish scientists who analyse rock art from 2,000 years ago.