08.07.2016 change 08.07.2016

Polish project wins ESA programming competition

Polish project which, thanks to space technology, allows to reduce fuel consumption by up to 30 percent per year, took first place in the competition #ActInSpace - International Hackaton in space application of the European Space Agency.

Hackathon is an all-day marathon of continuous designing and prototyping of products and solutions for the space industry.

At the end of June, during the Toulouse Space Show the jury selected the winner of the international finals of the Space Hackaton of the European Space Agency #ActInSpace. The winners were the team Blue Divine I, who competed with teams from 13 countries in the international finals, and earlier won the Warsaw edition, #ActInSpaceWarsaw.

The team presented the solution "ECODRIVING Techniques" - addressed to logistics companies, allowing them to reduce fuel consumption by up to 30 percent per year using space technology patented by the French Space Agency - CNES.

"The winning solution consists of a touch-feedback equipment placed on the accelerator pedal, computer software that optimises driving routes, as well as the optimal acceleration profile. The driver does not need any special training before use, because the system is very easy to understand and transparent for the user" - inform the organizers of #ActInSpaceWarsaw.

In August, the winners will go for a flight on board the Airbus A310 Zero-G in Toulouse. The airplane is designed to perform parabolic flights during which it is possible to simulate weightlessness.

PAP - Science and Scholarship in Poland

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