21.09.2012 change 21.09.2012

Papal medal for Prof. Marian Zembala


Director of the Silesian Center for Heart Diseases in Zabrze, heart surgeon Prof. Marian Zembala, received papal medal Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice (For the Church and the Pope). It is one of the most important medals that can be awarded to the laity by the Papacy.

"This medal is a homage to all those who serve others. I\'m just one of many. Serving others is serving God, and one should not be ashamed of it. Serving others, not only in medicine but in every action, is the need of the hour" - the professor tolf PAP and emphasised that he felt honoured by the prestigious distinction.

The awarding ceremony with a thanksgiving Mass conducted by Archbishop Metropolitan of Częstochowa Wacław Depo was held in St. James church in Krzepice near Częstochowa, the Professor’s hometown. Metropolitan of Częstochowa requested the papal medal for the cardiac surgeon, in gratitude for his service to the patients.

The Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice medal was established by Leo XIII in 1888. It is awarded by the Pope at the request of the diocesan bishops to religious persons and laity who have rendered great service to the Church and others. Prof. Zembala was honoured for his tremendous commitment to saving the health and life, far beyond standard medical care.

Prof. Zembala pointed out that Christian values are at the root of today\'s Europe, with its open borders, possibility of cooperation and co-financing and development of the country with the EU funds. He said that although we are in the longest period in the history of Europe without major wars, the continent is not free from dangers.

"The more people of Christian beliefs in the elite, people who are open and looking for understanding, rather than closed and seeking conflict, the more good will be in Europe, and the less danger" - said the professor, grateful that the Church notices and promotes such attitudes .

"The wisdom of the Pope, bot the current one, as well as his predecessor, lies in not seeing Christianity in very narrow currents that meet the expectations of only small group, but in a wide space, in a certain universalism of the message" - pointed Prof. Zembala. He emphasised that he shares the views and beliefs of "Tygodnik Powszechny" circles.

The centre in Zabrze headed by Prof. Zembala offers comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of heart, blood and lung diseases in adults and children. Annually it performs about 12 thousand invasive cardiac procedures and 2.4 thousand cardiac surgeries, including 40-50 heart transplantation procedures and 20 lung transplants. (PAP)

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