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Polish researchers investigate medicinal plants in the Peruvian Amazon

Researchers from Poland document medicinal plants used in the Peruvian Amazon. The project may allow to discover plants that will be new to science, says Dr. Monika Kujawska from the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Lodz.

  • Śnieżka Meteorological Observatory of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management. Meteorological observations on Śnieżka, the highest peak in the Karkonosze Mountains, have been conducted for nearly 140 years. Photo: Fot. PAP/Maciej Kulczyński 08.02.2018

    Meteorological measurements on Śnieżka have been conducted without interruption for nearly 140 years

    Meteorological measurements on Śnieżka (1602 m above sea level), the highest peak of the Karkonosze Mountains, have been conducted without interruption for nearly 140 years. Today, eight people work at the High Mountain Meteorological Observatory of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, and the measurements carried out on Śnieżka are part of the global meteorological observation system.

  • Photo: Fotolia

    Researchers from the University of Lodz help European companies reduce CO2 emissions

    Companies that want to increase their energy efficiency and reduce carbon dioxide emissions can participate in the "Trainergy" project. It is implemented by an international consortium whose leader is the Faculty of Management of the University of Lodz.

  • Photo: Fotolia

    Dr. Wachniew: Polish waters will remain polluted for several decades

    Even if we start caring for the environment now and farmers start using less fertilizers, from which biogenic substances get into the soil and then into the waters, the Polish rivers and the Baltic Sea will still be polluted for several more decades - says environmental physicist Dr. Przemysław Wachniew from AGH-UST.

  • Life

    Experts: The EU countries should decide themselves whether they want GMOs

    EU Member States should be able to express their willingness to grow GM crops and not, as the current regulations require, report that they do not want to produce GM plants authorized by the EU. An expert group proposes a change of regulations in the journal Nature Biotechnology.

  • Low oxygen causes the death of corals and in Bocas del Toro, Panama. The dead crabs pictured also succumbed to the loss of dissolved oxygen in the water. Credit: Arcadio Castillo/Smithsonian

    Global "suffocation" of seas and oceans: oxygen deserts are expanding

    Oxygen depletes in the oceans and seas all over the world around the world. Regions with dangerously low oxygen level have increased in the last 50 years by an area as large as the European Union - scientists alarm. Publication about this appeared in Science.

  • Photo: Fotolia

    Polar biologist: Iceberg calving is an opportunity for interesting research

    Giant iceberg with a huge area of 6 thousand km2 calving from Antarctic ice shelf reveals areas of the Antarctic Ocean that have been covered with several hundred meters of ice.

  • A giant iceberg broke off the Larsen C glacier in West Antarctica in July. It gives an opportunity to conduct research on previously unexplored areas of the Antarctic Ocean and inaccessible ecosystems - told PAP polar biologist from the University of Lodz, Prof. Magdalena Błażewicz.

    Toruń/ Research of a Nicolaus Copernicus University scientist may change the chronology of the Bronze Age

    The eruption of Thera volcano, which destroyed the Minoan culture and changed the climate, could happen earlier than it was thought - scientist from Toruń believes. His research may change the chronology of the Bronze Age of the cradle of our civilization - the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East.

  • Photo: Fotolia

    Expert: Diversification of crops is the key to food security

    Just four plants - wheat, rice, maize and soybeans - account for 60 percent food produced worldwide. In the face of catastrophic climate change, a larger diversification of cultivated plants is needed, says Prof Sayed Azam-Ali from the University of Nottingham, UK.

  • Ostsee

    Baltic clams and marine worms contribute to global warming

    The seas and oceans, where clams and marine worms live, emit eight times as much methane into the atmosphere as the oceans free of these creatures, according to the recent study of the Baltic Sea and its molluscs.

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Boulder TM 1219 in a wider landscape perspective. Credit: A. Rozwadowski, source: Cambridge Archaeological Journal.

Polish scientists reinterpret petroglyphs of Toro Muerto

The geometric patterns, lines and zigzags that accompany the images of dancers (danzantes) carved in the rocks of the Peruvian Toro Muerto are not snakes or lightning bolts, but a record of songs - suggest Polish scientists who analyse rock art from 2,000 years ago.